Monday, February 28, 2011

(2) Chapter the First: In Which We Meet the Captain

(1) Chapter the First: In Which a Ship is Introduced

 Welcome, dear friends and guests, to the first image of a webcomic set in the world of the Elder Scrolls, which chronicles the adventures of the Dwemer skyship Dwemereth Ascendant and her captain, Ezribeth Windflower, skilled adventurer, noted scholar, and sometime bloodthirsty pirate.

Do enjoy, and mind your head!

Font: Verne Demo
Stock:  Inpyretashstock, Valerianastock, Artemis Stock

Border: Webtreats, Etc.

Mr. Siika's Dwemer Skyship

Waalx's Animals and Creatures

Ghogiel's Armors

Personal Armor/Weapon mods


Cast and Crew:
Adari Molran the Archer:  Companion Neeshka.
Alchemist Inga: Companion Vilja.
Battlemage Jagi: Player Character
Captain Ezribeth Windflower: Player Character.
Dwemer Immortal: Himself.

Suggested Listening for the Discerning Reader: